All Valley RV Center's Sold Inventory
Displaying 1 - 20 of 212
(661) 269-4800
(661) 269-4800
Celebrate Independence SaleSale Price Valid 7/5/2022 – 7/31/2022*Sale Price: $33,335+ tax and fees. Payments: $320/mo x 180mos x 7.99% apr + $3,800 down - O.A.C.
(661) 269-4800
The White Hawk packs in all kinds of surprising amenities and designs that are rarely found on travel trailers in this weight class. The White Hawk, a luxurious lightweight trailer, that’s designed for families who want more convenience a...
The White Hawk packs in all kinds of surprising amenities and designs that are rarely found on travel trailers in this weight class. The White Hawk, a luxurious lightweight trailer, that’s designed for families who want more convenience a...
Valor by Alliance RVYou have family, toys, gear and the intense personal desire to explore the outdoors. Courageously take adventure head-on with the most versatile multi-purpose vehicle designed by RVers for RVers. Valor by Alliance is pac...
(661) 269-4800
Paradigm by Alliance RV A new approach on fifth wheel design, we listened to you. The all new Paradigm by ALLIANCE RV is the culmination of feedback from thousands of RVers addressing common concerns ranging from running gear and coded...
The Paradigm by ALLIANCE RV is the culmination of feedback from thousands of full time RVers addressing common concerns ranging from running gear and coded wiring to the kitchen sink. Executed by a team of industry veterans with hundreds of...
Sale Price Valid 2/1/2022 - 2/28/2022Sale Price: $31,503 +tax & fees ($267/mo x 180mos @ 5.99% aprwith $3,600 Down OAC)
Sale Price Valid 2/1/2022 - 2/28/2022Sale Price: $29,998 +tax & fees ($252/mo x 180mos @ 5.99% aprwith $3,700 Down OAC)